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Africa by Private Jet: The World is Your Classroom

Incredible Africa by Private Jet Expedition highlights some of the world’s best-known outdoor galleries, like the Acropolis and Luxor, as well as lesser-known ones, like Lalibela’s underground churches and a sculpture gallery on the slopes of Stellenbosch Mountain outside Cape Town. While these places are legendary and timeless, how you will see them is personalized and very much in the present moment, with resident experts who will engage your interest and all your senses.

What could be better than a world-class museum? Viewing the world’s treasures outdoors in diverse settings, your feet placed where so many have stood before you, your eyes trained on the landscapes they saw. Expert guides breathe life into ancient ruins and traditions, making these places come alive for you with deftly narrated interpretations. To avoid museum fatigue and information overload, these experiences are deliberately interspersed with wildlife viewing throughout the 21-day Africa by Private Jet 2018 program.

Athens’ Acropolis: A UNESCO World Heritage Site

This fifth-century BC site is the most striking and complete ancient Greek monumental complex still existing in modern times. Perfectly balanced architecturally and ideally suited to its natural site, it is considered a tribute to the Athenian ideals of democracy and philosophy. If you are surprised to see Athens on an Africa itinerary, don’t be. Its proximity to Africa minimizes the flight time into and out of Africa. It allows us to enjoy some antiquities and Aegean views before we head to Africa — plus an optional pre-trip to the enchanted island of Santorini for those so inclined. Athens is also well-serviced by international carriers and has convenient direct flights from New York.

Parthenon Temple Acropolis in Athens Greece

Lalibela’s Rock-Hewn Churches: A UNESCO World Heritage Site

Attributed to the 12th century’s King Lalibela, these eleven subterranean churches were hewn from the living rock of monolithic blocks as a substitute destination for Christian pilgrimage in Ethiopia’s mountains when Muslim conquests cut off sites like Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

Church Saint George in Lalibela Ethiopia

Luxor’s Temples and Necropolis: A UNESCO World Heritage Site

Massive monuments to the dead backed by the Theban escarpment, and the Nile flowing like the mythical Greek river Styx between the modern city and the west bank necropolis, literally the “city of the dead.”

Temple of Luxor in Egypt – photo by Robert Harding Alamy

Living History in the Masai Mara

Get a cultural and natural story in one when you walk in the Masai Mara under the tutelage of a Maasai guide, tracking animal spoor, gathering wild honey, and experiencing an ancient way of life tied to the land.

Giraffes And Guided Walking Tour Group in The Mara

Cape Town’s Outdoor Sculpture Garden

See sixty powerful works by one of the world’s foremost sculptors of wildlife, Dylan Lewis, set on four kilometers of garden paths on the slopes of Stellenbosch Mountain. The artist’s original studio and a contemporary steel pavilion are also on-site.

Art Inspired by Africa’s Wildlife

In Victoria Falls, meet Larry Norton, an internationally recognized Zimbabwean wildlife artist. For over twenty years, his powerful portrayals of the African continent, its landscapes, wildlife, and people have attracted collectors worldwide—his work results from numerous expeditions in search of images and experiences. From a year-long journey across Africa, crossing eighteen countries; filming life on the Zambezi from its source to the sea; hiking across the Selous Game Reserve; and kayaking the Zambezi Gorge, Norton has extensive experience painting wildlife across the continent.




DESIGN: Pembroke Studios
PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO: © HRH Expeditions, © Envato, © istock, © Unsplash, © Shutterstock
